

The Global and Regional Development Design Program

Degrees Offered

Degree Titles Doctor of International Studies
Doctor of Arts
Doctor of Engineering

Educational Mission

Drawing on the University’s expertise in multicultural coexistence and regional design, the Program will foster human resources who pursue sustainable development in accordance with globalization and help create a prosperous and peaceful society as forerunners in Japan and abroad. They will understand the current status and background of international cooperation, development, governance, and the formation of regional communities from a broad interdisciplinary perspective regardless of the size and scope of the phenomenon. They will acquire expertise for designing social groups that comprise various cultures and regional communities, institutions, spaces, and systems. Furthermore, they will acquire communication skills and learn how to actively serve the global community.

Three Program Policies

1Admissions Policy

  • Individuals who possess basic knowledge, cultural sophistication, and master’s level academic skills, so that they can pursue advanced learning in the domains of multicultural coexistence and regional design, and engage in research to complete a doctoral dissertation
  • Individuals seeking to gain creative skills by acquiring extensive knowledge in various disciplines other than their own
  • Individuals who are eager to understand the role of their expertise in the local community and society, contribute to the local community, and play leadership roles

2Curriculum Policy

  • Specialist elective subjects shall be offered with the aim of providing advanced specialist knowledge and technical skills in the fields of multicultural coexistence and regional design.
  • Advanced Seminars on Minors and On-site Studies, including internships and fieldwork, shall be offered as compulsory elective subjects subjects aimed at providing candidates with a wide range of knowledge, an understanding of the need for the integration of diverse fields of study, multi-faceted perspectives, and an awareness of the role of their own field of specialization in the community and society.
  • Advanced Exercises and Advanced Research shall be offered as required subjects contributing to the “Plan, Do, Check, Action” cycle necessary for research progression, including researcher ethics.

3Degree Conferment Policy

  • Successful candidates shall possess global perspectives to contribute to science, technology, and innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals (STI for SDGs) as well as advanced knowledge and technical skills in the humanities, social sciences, sciences, architecture, and construction necessary to solve problems arising from the creation of multi-cultural regions and communities from a broad, inter-disciplinary perspective. The student will be responsive to a range of scales, and contribute to the creation of sustainable and peaceful societies, as well as the formation of regional communities in which diverse cultures co-exist.
  • Successful candidates shall possess fundamental knowledge related to social groups, spaces, and systems within communities that form diverse cultures and regions. The student shall be able to apply this knowledge within the international community, regional communities, citizen organizations, local governments, and business contexts.
  • Successful candidates shall possess high-level communication skills allowing them to practice in a diverse range of contexts related to their field of specialization.


Required Subjects
(Research Supervision)
Year Subject title
Required Subjects
(Research Supervision)
Year 1 Advanced Exercises
Year 1 Advanced Research I
Year 2 Advanced Research Ⅱ
Year 2 Advanced Research Ⅲ
Year 1 & 2 Advanced Seminar
Compulsory Elective Subjects
(Research Supervision)
Year Subject title
Compulsory Elective Subjects
(Research Supervision)
Year 1 & 2
  • Advanced seminars on minors I
  • Advanced seminars on minors II
  • On-site Studies I
  • On-site Studies II
Specialist Elective Subjects
Advanced subjects in international studies
Year Subject title
Specialist Elective Subjects Advanced subjects in international studies Year 1 & 2
  • Environmental Politics
  • Special Seminar on Human Security and International Institutions
  • Interpersonal Communication Studies
  • Globalization and Multicultural Education
  • Advanced Lecture on Global Education and Development Education
  • Seminar on Politics of the Middle East and Globalization
  • Advanced Lecture on International History in East Asia
  • Advanced Study of Financial System in the United States
  • Latin American Economies
  • History Study on Japan-Taiwan Exchanges
  • Advanced Course of German Cultural History
  • Studies in 19th-century American Culture
  • Advanced Lectures on Thai Urban Society
  • Social Development and Area Studies (East Africa)
  • Advanced lecture of rural studies in globalization
  • Advanced Studies on East Asian Comparative Literature
  • Japanese Comparative Literature and Culture
  • Modern Japanese Literature and Literary Arts
  • Advanced Media Studies
  • British art
  • Philosophy of Synchronic Linguistics
  • Historical Linguistics of Japanese
  • Special Lecture on Language Education
Specialist Elective Subjects
Advanced subjects in regional design
Year Subject title
Specialist Elective Subjects Advanced subjects in regional design Year 1 & 2
  • Policy Governance
  • Advanced Topics in Public Policy
  • Advanced lecture on Community Policy
  • Advanced Studies of Social Welfare
  • Advanced lecture on Conversation Analysis in Welfare
  • Life and Death Studies
  • Play and Performance Psychology
  • Advanced Dietary Habits and Health in the Community
  • Advanced study for regional design in harmony with nature
  • Advanced Lecture on Japanese History
  • Advanced Regional Analysis
  • Advanced Architectural Environment Planning
  • Advanced Engineering of Human and Environment
  • Advanced Sustainable City Planning
  • Advanced Supply Chain Management
  • Advanced Integrated project management
  • Special topics on educational technology for disaster reduction


Meet the program’s teaching staff.Faculty